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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/BeanHelper.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/BeanHelper.php
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namespace RedBeanPHP;

RedBeanPHP\ToolBox as ToolBox;
RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;

 * Bean Helper Interface.
 * Interface for Bean Helper.
 * A little bolt that glues the whole machinery together.
 * The Bean Helper is passed to the OODB RedBeanPHP Object to
 * facilitate the creation of beans and providing them with
 * a toolbox. The Helper also facilitates the FUSE feature,
 * determining how beans relate to their models. By overriding
 * the getModelForBean method you can tune the FUSEing to
 * fit your business application needs.
 * @file RedBeanPHP/IBeanHelper.php
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license BSD/GPLv2
 * @copyright
 * copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
interface BeanHelper
     * Returns a toolbox to empower the bean.
     * This allows beans to perform OODB operations by themselves,
     * as such the bean is a proxy for OODB. This allows beans to implement
     * their magic getters and setters and return lists.
     * @return ToolBox
public function getToolbox();

     * Does approximately the same as getToolbox but also extracts the
     * toolbox for you.
     * This method returns a list with all toolbox items in Toolbox Constructor order:
     * OODB, adapter, writer and finally the toolbox itself!.
     * @return array
public function getExtractedToolbox();

     * Given a certain bean this method will
     * return the corresponding model.
     * @param OODBBean $bean bean to obtain the corresponding model of
     * @return SimpleModel|SimpleModelInterface|NULL
public function getModelForBean( OODBBean $bean );