$list = get_directory_list();
$list_hierarchicaly = hierarchy::print_list($list);
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echo <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="hierarchy.css.php" />
img { border: 0; }
a { text-decoration: none; }
<h1>Directory List</h1>
<div style="border: 1px solid red; padding: 0 1em;">
<p>You can print a directory content hierarchicaly.</p>
* Example of function that create a list dinamicaly.
* @return array[string => (bool || type)]
function get_directory_list() {
// Save opened items in session
if (!isset($_SESSION['opened'])) {
$_SESSION['opened'] = array();
$dirname = dirname(__FILE__);
$location = '';
// If open action was requested
if (isset($_GET['open'])) {
$open = urldecode($_GET['open']);
$open = realpath($dirname.'/'.str_replace('.', '', $open));
if (is_dir($open)) {
if (isset($_SESSION['opened'][$open])) {
} else {
$_SESSION['opened'][$open] = true;
return get_directory_list_recursion($dirname, $location);
* Function recursion.
* @param string $dirname Directory to be opened
* @param string $location Short directory name
* @return array[string => (bool || type)]
function get_directory_list_recursion($dirname, $location) {
$dirname = realpath($dirname);
$dir = scandir($dirname);
$list = array();
$has_content = false;
foreach ($dir as $item) {
if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') {
$has_content = true;
// Directory
if (is_dir($dirname.'/'.$item)) {
$open = urlencode($location.'/'.$item);
// If it is open
if (isset($_SESSION['opened'][$dirname.'/'.$item])) {
$img = '<img src="imgs/dir_opened.gif" alt="opened directory" />';
$content = '<a href="example_directory.php?open='.$open.'">'.$img.' '.$item.'</a>';
$list[$content] = get_directory_list_recursion($dirname.'/'.$item, $location.'/'.$item);
// If it is close
} else {
$img = '<img src="imgs/dir_closed.gif" alt="closed directory" />';
$content = '<a href="example_directory.php?open='.$open.'">'.$img.' '.$item.'</a>';
$list[$content] = false;
// File
} else {
$list[$item] = false;
if (!$has_content) {
$list['empty'] = false;
return $list;